Craft Beer Column by Jim Flash Gordon of Revolution & Oskars


When Revolution started some 11 Years ago, I was one of the first bars to Stock Budvar, Franzkarner , Spaten and Leffe. We installed Freezers behind the bar for shots, and the world was at one with us.

Now we are 4 years into a journey of Craft Beer, Fine Whiskey & Gin (now 28 in stock)

Once you have tasted a few craft beers, you get to know the flavours you like, you barman advises you on what’s new, what’s tasty (and what to avoid!). I have a new found friendship with beer, its not about having 10 pints in a session, now its about quality, taste, and enjoying the many different characteristics of Craft Beer. Here is my Current Favourites


Metalman Equinox (on tap)   4.5%

Summer in a glass! Equinox is a refreshing wheat lager designed with lazy sunny days in mind. Hazy bright yellow, it’s a smooth and refreshing beer with a light dry finish. Orange and lemon peel are added to the brew kettle for a burst of citrus, along with some ground coriander to give a hint of spice on the end – tantalizingly quaffable!


White Hag IPA (on tap)   6.2%

At 7.2%, White Hag have thankfully resisted the urge to label this a double IPA. After pouring copper,. It’s sharp, juicy, dank and loaded with pine, grapefruit, mango, peach and a mouth watering soft and ripe sweetness. There’s more of this sweetness to taste, with malty caramel supporting stone fruit, strawberry and orange marmalade. That’s not to say that the beer is shy of the bitter side; the finish delivers the most concentrated attack of the hop profile, with grapefruit and lemon zest left lingering long after the beer is gone. A truly fantastic IPA.


Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Age Ale (on tap)     8.2%

Award winning Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale is a unique sipping beer with the distinctive nose of a well-crafted bourbon. Our Kentucky Ale is aged for up to 6 weeks in freshly decanted bourbon barrels from some of Kentucky’s finest distilleries.  First scents at a distance bring sweet oaky vanilla certainly reminding me of bourbon, then comes the hops and caramel malts. The taste is well balanced and brings the drinker just the right amount of oaky bourbon flavours to balance the malt profile. The alcohol is surprisingly not overpowering considering the subtle flavours. Finishes smooth and dry


White Hag, Black Boar, Oatmeal Stout (bottle) 10.2%

Pours a very dark brown with small beige head. Chocolate, malty biscuit (read: Maltesers) and red and dark berries are delivered on a full, smooth silky body, with a touch of alcohol heat to finish. Smoke, sticky treacle and maple syrup are all hiding in there too. This is one intense beer with a good deal of complexity, and dare I say it, one of the (if not the) best stouts in the country?


Call in, ask the Barman what’s recommended and enjoy the fuller flavour of hops & malt. HAPPY DRINKING!

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